Laptops have inbuilt wireless in them.. You can turn your laptop's wireless into a WiFi hotspot and connect your iPod, iPhone, Blackberry etc.. Using this you can connect to the internet through your iPods or other devices..
What do I need to set up a WiFi hotspot..??
- Laptop with built in WiFi
- Wired Internet Connection
How do I set it up..??
Windows XP users follow these steps :
- Go to Control Panel --> Network Connections
- Right click on the Wireless connection and then click on Properties
- Click on the Wireless Networks Tab
- Tick the Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings
- Under Preferred networks click on Add
- In Network Name (SSID) enter the network name you want. Ex: John's WiFi
- Under the Network Authentication click on Open (In this tutorial I will teach you to create a connection without password. If you want to set up a password then Instead of Open click on Shared and in the next step instead of Disabled click on WEP)
- In the Data Encryption click Disabled
- Go to the Connection tab and make sure Connect when this network is in range is ticked
- Click on OK
- Go to Advanced and tick on Computer-to-computer (ad hoc) networks only and also make sure Automatically connect to non-preferred networks is ticked
- Click on OK.. You have set up your wireless hotspot.
- Goto Local Area Connection and click on Properties
- Go to Advanced tab.
- Tick the Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection. Click on OK.
- If you not using an always on Broadband then there are a few extra steps.
- Go to the connection you always connect to the internet through. Ex: Airtel, My Broadband etc.
- Right click on it and then click on Properties.
- Go to the Advanced tab and tick on Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection
- Click on OK.. That's it.. You're done..
Windows Vista users follow these steps :
- Go to Control Panel --> Network and Sharing Centre
- Under Tasks chose Setup New Connection
- Under Wireless choose Ad-hoc network
- Under Network name type in the desired network name. Ex: Joe's WiFi
- Choose WEP password to secure your connection.
- Choose Internet Connection Sharing.
- Done.! :)
* iPod users who do not know how to connect to a WiFi connection check this tutorial.