F-Secure is one among the well known Anti-Virus and Internet Security Solutions.. You need to pay for an F-Secure license as it is not free..! After all you are getting good security isn't it..??
However, F-Secure is giving away 6-months license for free to people who just comment on their blog, Safe and Savvy.. F-Secure has launched their blog, Safe and Savvy and as a promotion to their blog they are giving away free license to people who just comment..! There's no competition or answering questions.. All you got to do is comment on this post..! That's it..! :).. But there are only a limited no of licenses.. So comment as soon as you can..
Visit this post and comment here to get the Free 6-Months license.. It's absolutely FREE!! Try it.. What are you waiting for..?? Just go now and comment, as there are only a limited no of licenses.!