To make the redemption process a bit difficult, Lockerz allows you redeem prizes only once or twice a month. The redemption date will not be pre-announced. Redemption will take place only for a few hours during which users can redeem the gift they want. As there are limited no of prizes the redemption will be on a first come first serve basis.
Many people believe that Lockerz is a scam. It may be due to their failure in redeeming the prizes or suspension of their account. Whatever the reason maybe there are a lots of people who believe it is a scam.
Let's have a poll to decide whether Lockerz is a SCAM or NOT. People who support or do not support Lockerz can cast their vote in the poll below. Based on the majority of votes the final results will be announced. The Poll will be open for one week. So, share this page with your friends and let them voice their opinion too. The Final result of the Poll will be announced in one week i.e on May 7th.
The Poll has now been closed. Check out the results here.
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Well i was trying to take part in the just concluded international redemption, and I was just not able to log into the site. !! Firefox showed some js error. What more can I say
BTW, if you know somebody who actually redeemed something.. would be great if you point out
Even I tried redeeming. But there was an error. I will be writing another post regarding the redemption that took place today. Lockerz server seriously sucks!
I did take part in the redemption and I was able to order a prize. Still have to wait for my conformation though.
Congrats Tim. :). BTW, what did you redeem?
I got the DEOS metal ipod earphones covers. Wanted to redeem something small for my first redemption. Didn't want to get my hopes up too much ;)
Nice. I wanted to redeem an iPod Touch, but couldn't get it. Their server couldn't take the traffic load. Pretty slow server.! That's why many people,including me, experienced problems during redemption.
I also had problems, luckily after I redeemed.
in the last redemption i redeemed a flask, which has been delivered. :)
my friend redeemed mw2 and fifa 10
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